Recent NewsDepartment of DefenseFederal Citizen ServicesFederal HealthFederal Science, R&DNational Security
  1. Contract Award: US Census Bureau 2030 Multilingual Language Research Services
  2. RTI wins HHS Behavioral Health, Disability, & Aging Policy (BHDAP) Office Policy & Data Analysis Support task on PSC IDIQ
  3. Contract Award: $350M HHS HRSA Headquarters Evaluations and Evidence Building IDIQ
  4. RTI wins NSF Targeted Evidence Management and Program Operations (TEMPO) Support Services task
  5. RTI beats out 16 to win NSF National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics Technical and Analytical Support task
  6. Contract Award: $8M CDC Tobacco Campaign Assistance
  7. U.S. Department of Defense awards RTI $190 million cooperative agreement for Defense STEM Education Consortium
  8. Awardee List: $800M USAID Central America Regional Support Services (CARSS) IDIQ
  9. Contract Award: DHS CISA SBD Economic Impacts Report
  10. Contract Award: $9.5M CMS Evaluation of Medicare-Medicaid Financial Alignment Initiative
  11. Contract Award: $10M Department of Education IES Reports and Web Products Implementation Support
  12. Contract Award: $NSF Evaluation, Assessment & Program Management Services
  13. Contract Award: $149M CMS Data Analytics and Program Support (DAPS) for IRA Medicare Prescription Drug Provisions
  14. Contract Award: $48M CMS Quality Reporting and Value Based Purchasing Programs and Nursing Home Care Compare
  15. Contract Award: NIH NICHD SEED Program Evaluation Support Services
  16. Contract Award: CDC Market Analytics and Research Services
  17. Contract Award: $14M EPA ORCR Risk Assessment and Technical Analysis Support BPA
  18. Contract Award Update: $99M DOL OASP Chief Evaluation Office support BPA
  19. Contract Award: $17M NIH NHLBI Catalyze Coordinating Center BPA
  20. Contract Award: $20M CDC Design, Survey Recruitment and Data Collection BPA
  1. RTI wins HHS Behavioral Health, Disability, & Aging Policy (BHDAP) Office Policy & Data Analysis Support task on PSC IDIQ
  2. Contract Award: $350M HHS HRSA Headquarters Evaluations and Evidence Building IDIQ
  3. Contract Award: $8M CDC Tobacco Campaign Assistance
  4. Contract Award: $9.5M CMS Evaluation of Medicare-Medicaid Financial Alignment Initiative
  5. Contract Award: $149M CMS Data Analytics and Program Support (DAPS) for IRA Medicare Prescription Drug Provisions
  6. Contract Award: $48M CMS Quality Reporting and Value Based Purchasing Programs and Nursing Home Care Compare
  7. Contract Award: NIH NICHD SEED Program Evaluation Support Services
  8. Contract Award: CDC Market Analytics and Research Services
  9. Contract Award: $17M NIH NHLBI Catalyze Coordinating Center BPA
  10. Contract Award: $20M CDC Design, Survey Recruitment and Data Collection BPA
  11. Contract Award: $18M CMS Section 1115 Federal Meta Analysis support
  12. Contract Award: $27.6M CMS Part C, Part D, and HHS Federally-certified Risk Adjustment Model Research, Development and Maintenance
  13. Contract Award: $10M FDA Domestic and International Tobacco Control Policy Evaluation Support Services BPA
  14. Contract Award: $50M NIH NHLBI Communications, Engagement and Educational Support Services BPA II
  15. Contract Award: $279M CDC NHANES Data Collection IDIC
  16. Contract Award: $27M CMS Alternative Payment System for Medicare fee for Services (FFS) Beneficiaries Testing Implementation and Monitoring
  17. Contract Award: $42M NIH NHLBI Catalyze Program - Preclinical Services Component BPA
  18. Contract Award: $100M CDC Administration Management and General Management
  19. Contract Award: $269M CDC NHANES Data Collection
  20. Contract Award: $15M SAMHSA DWP National Laboratory Certification Program (NLCP)