Recent NewsFederal HealthNational Security
- AVER wins again, beats out 5 for $16M DHS CISA Infrastructure Security Division (ISD) OBP support task on OASIS SB
- AVER beats out 3 to win $10M DHS IDART Recompete
- AVER: Empowering Clients and Employees Through Innovation
- AVER wins $20M DHS ICE SEVP Adjudication and Compliance Support Services task on OASIS SB
- AVER wins $11M DHS CBP Office of Facilities and Asset Management Professional Services task
- VA adds new Prime awardees to $25B VA VECTOR IDIQ
- AVER wins $66M DHS US Secret Service OCIO S2 support services contract
- DHS ICE OCFO Financial Systems Modernization (FSM) PMO Support
- $25B VA VECTOR On-Ramp
- Contract Award: $6.7M USSS Protective Threat Management System
- Contract Award: $14M CISA Technology Development & Deployment Program (TDDP)
- Contract Award: $18M ICE Financial Systems Modernization (FSM) PMO Support Services
- Contract Award: $20M ICE Budget and Performance Support Services
- Contract Award: $6M DHS OCHO OBIM Biometric Capabilities Support task
- AVER wins Business Process Improvement and Program Management Support task with DHS Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)
- AVER wins again, beats out 5 for $16M DHS CISA Infrastructure Security Division (ISD) OBP support task on OASIS SB
- AVER beats out 3 to win $10M DHS IDART Recompete
- AVER wins $20M DHS ICE SEVP Adjudication and Compliance Support Services task on OASIS SB
- AVER wins $11M DHS CBP Office of Facilities and Asset Management Professional Services task
- AVER wins $66M DHS US Secret Service OCIO S2 support services contract
- DHS ICE OCFO Financial Systems Modernization (FSM) PMO Support
- Contract Award: $6.7M USSS Protective Threat Management System
- Contract Award: $14M CISA Technology Development & Deployment Program (TDDP)
- Contract Award: $18M ICE Financial Systems Modernization (FSM) PMO Support Services
- Contract Award: $20M ICE Budget and Performance Support Services
- Contract Award: $6M DHS OCHO OBIM Biometric Capabilities Support task
- AVER wins Business Process Improvement and Program Management Support task with DHS Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)