Recent NewsFederal Citizen ServicesFederal HealthFederal Science, R&D
  1. Westat beats out 3 to win NSF Directorate for STEM Education (EDU) Tribal Colleges and Universities Program (TCUP) Eval and PM support task
  2. Westat beats out 5 to win $31M CMS Evaluation of Transforming Maternal Health Model (TMAH) task on RMADA 2
  3. Westat wins $292M in Department of Education National Assessment of Educational Progress Data Collection and Service Center support contracts
  4. Elizabeth Mannshardt Joins Westat as VP and Director, Statistics and Data Science
  5. Westat beats out 2 to win $23M Department of Education National Assessment of Educational Progress Sampling Contract
  6. Westat wins $237M HHS AHRQ Medical Expenditure Panel Survey - Household Component (MEPS-HC) Support IDIQ
  7. Contract Award: USDA FNS Supplemental Nutrition and Safety (SNAS) Analysis and Modeling BPA
  8. Contract Award: USDA Child Nutrition Analysis Modeling (CNAM) Support BPA
  9. Contract Award: $8M HHS AHRQ Academy Advancing Behavioral Health Integration
  10. Contract Award: $19M NIH Office of Disease Prevention (ODP) Scientific, Technology, and Communications Support BPA
  11. Contract Award Update: $30M Education Department School-based Mental Health Services Grant Program Evaluation IDIQ
  12. Contract Award Update: $99M DOL OASP Chief Evaluation Office support BPA
  13. Contract Award: $40M USDA FNS WIC Health Outcomes and Participation Experience (HOPE) Study BPA
  14. Contract Award: $16.6M CDC Shepherd 2023 Domain 10-A004 Vision 2.0
  15. Contract Award: $50M NIH NHLBI Communications, Engagement and Educational Support Services BPA II
  16. Contract Award: $2B Education Procurement of Research Evaluation and Statistics Task Orders (PRESTO) IDIQ
  17. Contract Award: $21M AHRQ CAHPS and SOPS Program Support
  18. Contract Award: $26M SAMHSA Program Evaluation, Effectiveness and Review Services
  19. Contract Award: $9M DOL Vets Employment Navigator Portfolio
  20. Contract Award: $30M USDA FNS Child Nutrition Programs Operations BPA