Recent NewsDepartment of DefenseFederal Citizen ServicesFederal HealthFederal InfrastructureNational Security
  1. NORC beats out 5 to win DOT NHTSA Motor Vehicle Crash Insights Statistical Analysis task on OASIS
  2. NORC beats out 10 to win State Department INL/KM Program Evaluation Services contract
  3. NORC beats out 3 to win CMS Improving Care for Medicaid and CHIP Beneficiaries with Complex Needs (ICMB) task on RMADA 2
  4. NORC beats out 7 to win USAID M/OAA PLR/LER new Research and Analytics for Development Mechanism contract
  5. Contract Award: $350M HHS HRSA Headquarters Evaluations and Evidence Building IDIQ
  6. Contract Award: $47M CMS OMH Reducing Disparities Through Action (RDA) Program Support
  7. Contract Award: $10M DOL BLS Virtual Data Enclave (VDE)
  8. Contract Award: $56M CMS Transforming Maternal Health (TMAH) Model Implementation and Monitoring Support on RMADA 2
  9. Prime awardee added to $75M HHS Administration Community Living (ACL) IDIQ
  10. 14 win $900M Department of Energy Information Administration (EOP) V, Multiple Award IDIQ
  11. Contract Award Update: $99M DOL OASP Chief Evaluation Office support BPA
  12. Contract Award: $53M USAID Building Evidence for Decision-making (BE4D) contract
  13. Contract Award: $20M CDC Design, Survey Recruitment and Data Collection BPA
  14. Contract Award: $13M HHS ASA National Center of Excellence for Patient Centered Outcomes Research Data
  15. NORC wins $33M DOL Bureau of Labor Statistics National Longitudinal Surveys (NLS) contract
  16. Contract Award: $17M HRSA MCh Block Grant Jurisdictional Survey
  17. Contract Award: $3.9 CMS TA Services
  18. Contract Award: $14.2M HHS Physician-focused Payment Model Technical Advisory Committee Technical and Operational support
  19. Contract Award: $2B Education Procurement of Research Evaluation and Statistics Task Orders (PRESTO) IDIQ
  20. Contract Award: $42M AHRQ Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project
  1. NORC beats out 3 to win CMS Improving Care for Medicaid and CHIP Beneficiaries with Complex Needs (ICMB) task on RMADA 2
  2. Contract Award: $350M HHS HRSA Headquarters Evaluations and Evidence Building IDIQ
  3. Contract Award: $47M CMS OMH Reducing Disparities Through Action (RDA) Program Support
  4. Contract Award: $56M CMS Transforming Maternal Health (TMAH) Model Implementation and Monitoring Support on RMADA 2
  5. Prime awardee added to $75M HHS Administration Community Living (ACL) IDIQ
  6. Contract Award: $20M CDC Design, Survey Recruitment and Data Collection BPA
  7. Contract Award: $13M HHS ASA National Center of Excellence for Patient Centered Outcomes Research Data
  8. Contract Award: $17M HRSA MCh Block Grant Jurisdictional Survey
  9. Contract Award: $3.9 CMS TA Services
  10. Contract Award: $14.2M HHS Physician-focused Payment Model Technical Advisory Committee Technical and Operational support
  11. Contract Award: $42M AHRQ Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project
  12. Contract Award: $8M CMS Financial Alignment Initiative Operation Support
  13. Contract Award: $8M CMS EPSDT Comprehensive Nationwide Analyses Services
  14. Contract Award: SAMHSA IDIQ
  15. Contract Award: $10M HHS AHRQ CUSP for Telemedicine: Diagnostic Accuracy (DA) and Antibiotic
  16. Contract Award: $10M HHS AHRQ CUSP for Telemedicine: Diagnostic Accuracy (DA) and Antibiotic
  17. NORC wins $7M National Institutes of Health (NIH) National Survey of Early Care and Education of 2024 task
  18. NORC wins HHS Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Resource Center for data infrastructure support task
  19. NORC wins $12M Health and Human Services Science and Data Policy Research and Analysis Services task
  20. NORC wins $11M task to provide CMS with Medicaid Financial Oversight Analysis