Recent NewsDepartment of DefenseFederal Citizen ServicesFederal HealthFederal Science, R&D
  1. AIR beats out 16 to win NSF NCSES Technical and Analytical Support Services task
  2. American Institutes for Research (AIR) beats out 5 to win $71M US Army Integrated Prevention Advisory Group Capacity Building
  3. Contract Award: $9.8M Department of Education (DoE) Disability Innovation Fund (DIF) Program Monitoring Services
  4. Contract Award: $350M HHS HRSA Headquarters Evaluations and Evidence Building IDIQ
  5. AIR wins $50M HHS OPTN Board of Directors (BOD) Support Services IDIQ
  6. Contract Award: $29M CMS CGT Access Model Implementation and Monitoring Support
  7. Contract Award: $30M CMS Eligible Clinician (EC) Electronic Clinical Quality Measure (eCQM) Development, Reevaluation, and Implementation
  8. Contract Award: CMS BPCI Advanced Initiative Support
  9. Contract Award Update: $99M DOL OASP Chief Evaluation Office support BPA
  10. Contract Award: $12M Institute of Museum and Library Services Survey BPA
  11. Contract Award: $60M ED IES National Assessment of Educational Progress Technical Support Contract
  12. Contract Award: $11M ED Longitudinal Surveys Branch Technical and Logistics support
  13. Contract Award: $29M CMS Marketpalce Operations Support (MOS)
  14. Contract Award: $28M ED Regional Educational Laboratory Program Rel
  15. Contract Award: $9M GSA FAS ARP National Evaluation
  16. Contract Award: $5M DOL ETA Rural Healthcare Grants Management Technical Assistance
  17. Contract Award: $5M CMS Supplemental Payment Reporting Requirements and Guidance Development
  18. PR: American Institutes for Research Completes Acquisition of IMPAQ, LLC
  19. Contract Award: $23M CMS Merit-Based Incentive System (MIPS) and Customer and Program Support Services
  20. Contract Award: SAMHSA IDIQ