Recent NewsFederal HealthFederal Science, R&D
- Acumen wins $57M CMS CMMI Transforming Episode Accountability Model (TEAM) Implementation support contract
- Four win $75M FDA CBER BEST Initiative #3: Data Sources for Surveillance of Biologics IDIQ
- Contract Award: $350M HHS HRSA Headquarters Evaluations and Evidence Building IDIQ
- Acumen wins NIH NIDDK Urological Diseases in America (UDA) Compendium support contract
- Contract Award: $31M CMS QMMS and PIMMS support
- Acumen beats out 2 to win $25M MIDS IDIQ task win
- Contract Award: $25M CMS Physician-Level Cost Measure and Patient Relationship Codes
- Contract Award: $22M FDA Biologics Effectiveness and Safety (BEST) Initiative Infrastructure and Data for Surveillance of Biologics
- Contract Award: $11M CMS Medicare Advantage and Cost Plan Network Adequacy Criteria support services
- Contract Award: $5M CMS Diabetes Prvention Program Technical Assistance, Outreach and Monitoring
- Contract Award: $5M CDC Vaccine Safety Datalink
- Contract Award: $149M CDC Vaccine Safety Datalink
- Acumen wins $7.3M National Institutes of Health task to provide linkage, review, and cloud support services for National Institute on Aging (NIA) studies
- Acumen wins $10M Data and Analytic Support Services task supporting HHS Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE)
- Acumen wins $12.5M CMS contract to provide technical support for payment systems and rates
- Acumen wins $57M CMS CMMI Transforming Episode Accountability Model (TEAM) Implementation support contract
- Four win $75M FDA CBER BEST Initiative #3: Data Sources for Surveillance of Biologics IDIQ
- Contract Award: $350M HHS HRSA Headquarters Evaluations and Evidence Building IDIQ
- Acumen wins NIH NIDDK Urological Diseases in America (UDA) Compendium support contract
- Contract Award: $31M CMS QMMS and PIMMS support
- Acumen beats out 2 to win $25M MIDS IDIQ task win
- Contract Award: $25M CMS Physician-Level Cost Measure and Patient Relationship Codes
- Contract Award: $22M FDA Biologics Effectiveness and Safety (BEST) Initiative Infrastructure and Data for Surveillance of Biologics
- Contract Award: $11M CMS Medicare Advantage and Cost Plan Network Adequacy Criteria support services
- Contract Award: $5M CMS Diabetes Prvention Program Technical Assistance, Outreach and Monitoring
- Contract Award: $5M CDC Vaccine Safety Datalink
- Contract Award: $149M CDC Vaccine Safety Datalink
- Acumen wins $7.3M National Institutes of Health task to provide linkage, review, and cloud support services for National Institute on Aging (NIA) studies
- Acumen wins $10M Data and Analytic Support Services task supporting HHS Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE)
- Acumen wins $12.5M CMS contract to provide technical support for payment systems and rates